Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So I can't really think of anything fun to post about today! I have a million things coming up this month though and I can't wait to post about them! I have my son's birthday he will be turning ONE! We are having two parties for him and I think those parties are going to turn out awesome especially the one I'm having here in LA on my rooftop. I also have my cousins wedding my son is in. Then I am hosting a baby shower for 3 of my friends who are all pregnant! I can't wait to post pictures and update about all of those things! I like having pictures to put up with my entry's I feel it makes them more fun to look at!

Monday, April 12, 2010

My famous oatmeal cookies

Well my grandpa thinks these should be famous. They are pretty much the recipe that's on the Quaker oats lid but I changed it to be even better!

2 sticks of butter softened
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tea vanilla
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tea baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 cups of oats

Heat oven to 350
Beat together butter and sugars
add eggs and vanilla
add flour, baking soda, and salt
stir in oats mix well
can makes about 4 dozen depending on the size you make your cookie

bake 10 minutes

Also Jeff ( my man) and Pat my friend love when i make them crispy I only use 1 cup of flour and I bake them 10-12 minutes but make sure to to make them huge because they spread like crazy but the crispy edges are so good.

Spicy meatloaf burgers

So Last night I made this meatloaf and it was amazing and I'm not much of a meatloaf fan but I was thinking they would of tasted even better as hamburgers so I haven't tested this out yet but I will but I figured I'd post how I made it anyways except turn it into a burger!

2 lbs beef (I always use grass fed beef)
1 egg
Bread crumbs
Half red bell pepper
half yellow bell pepper
a hand full of finely chopped carrots
half an onion
Worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper

Brown Sugar

Saute the peppers onion and carrots I use coconut oil but olive oil would work then throw those in with the beef, egg, bread crumbs, and Worcestershire sauce, and salt and pepper. Hand mix and make into patties cook on the grill or in a pan and top with mozzarella cheese and the ketchup sauce and put on a burger bun with whatever you like to put on your burger!...yum yum or you could make into meatloaf put in a meatloaf pan and top with sauce and I baked it at 375 for 1hour and 15 min I made mashed potatoes and salad as a side dish.

My Mashed potatoes

* 1 box Chicken Broth I use organic
* 5 large potatoes, peeled cut into 1-inch pieces
* 1/2 cup light cream
* 1/2 cup sour cream
* 1/4 cup chopped fresh chives
* 2 tablespoons butter
* 3 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled (reserve some for garnish)
* Generous dash ground black pepper
salt to taste

Heat the broth and potatoes in a 3-quart saucepan over medium-high heat to a boil.
Reduce the heat to medium. Cover and cook for 10 minutes or until the potatoes are tender. Drain, reserving the broth.
Mash the potatoes with 1/4 cup broth, light cream, sour cream, chives, butter, bacon and black pepper. Add the additional broth, if needed, until desired consistency. Garnish with the remaining bacon.

you can also leave out the bacon and chives and the potatoes are awesome alone!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Sandwich Bag

So tonight my friend was on face book and she told me she was trying to make basketball cup cakes but her son ran off with the attachments to the frosting bag so she couldn't get the stripes right. Well I wish I would of known a little sooner because I could of told her just to put the black frosting into a little sandwich baggie and seal it up and cut a tiny part of the corner off and use for frosting and that got me thinking about all the random uses besides putting a sandwich in the bag here are a few ideas!

1. My favorite trick which my Nana's house keeper who is an amazing cook taught me when making rice krispie treats to put a sandwich bag on my hand with a little butter on the outside of the bag so I can flatten the top of my rice krispie treats in the pan it works like a charm and you get perfect rice krispie treats with out getting it on your fingers

2. The frosting trick put your frosting in the bag and cut the very tip off the corner of the bottom of the bag to decorate.

3.Turn the bag into a funnel for anything fill the bags with salt and pepper before you fill your shakers. Cut a small corner and pour them into your shakers for a clean, neat way to fill them. This way, it will go where its supposed to and not onto your clean counters.

4. When traveling, I always have one bag handy to put over my camera in case of rain. With the open side facing down, you can just lift one side to capture your memory without fear of your camera getting wet.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Monster Soup

So today I was asking a friend of mine what she feeds her son everyday because I feel like some days I'm just not sure what to feed my son. Also while we were at the doctors yesterday his iron test came back really low so he needs to eat things like red meat, Kale, seaweed, rice cereal etc. So my friend told me she makes her son some sort of soup everyday and I took her idea and changed it a little for my son. This is what i did...

I used one box low sodium organic chicken broth
Half a sweet potato chopped
A hand full of baby carrot
1/3 cup of rice
Some cauliflower
Some grass fed beef
Chopped kale
Mineral Salt

(other things you could use is spinach, broccoli, regular potatoes, any veggie you can think of or chicken instead of beef but since my son needs iron i used beef

I brought it all up to a boil and simmered it for 15 minutes or until everything seemed pretty soft and put some in a bowl and added frozen peas and corn to cool it down and add some extra veggies.

I made up a name Monster Soup since I call my son Monster. Also here are a few pictures of how it turned out!

Good Reads

Two of my most favorite books I read while I was pregnant are Nap time is the new Happy Hour and Sippy Cups are not for Chardonnay both written by Stefanie Wilder-Taylor. She is so funny and normal and tell it like it is. She warns you about the different things from the Alpha mom in the park to what cartoons will be the death of you. She is so funny and it makes you feel like you have someone to relate to. I recommend this to any of my mom friends or any of my friends that want a good laugh!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My son's first birthday!

So I found this blog on twitter and I think this woman is AMAZING she is so creative I ordered a few of her party packs for Asen's first birthday party. He is having a pirate themed party. I will post more details about his party later for now I want to tell you about Couture Patries and her party packs. They are so cute and come with a almost everything you need for a cute party I googled for days looking for something uncheesy and not genaric for Asens party I wanted it to be different but since I am not super crafty these party packs are PERFECT !The kit includes: 8 paper dessert plates 8 plastic cups with themed label 8 napkins rolled with fork/spoon sealed with coordinating napkin ring 8 favor bags with tag and matching ribbon to tie bag closed 12 cupcake picks with theme. I can't wait to get them in the mail and after the party I will be sure to post pictures!

Couture Parties

Green Soup

Brooke Burke posted this Green soup on her website talking about her green diet which is basically eating only green foods for a week! I love this soup i blended it and it turned out amazing that way here is the recipe I changed it slightly !

Green Soup

In a large pot boil one chopped onion ,5 cloves garlic chopped, 3 bay leaves , handfull of parsley, one parsnip chopped for 30 mins

Then Add 3 chopped leaks (just the white part they are giant), 1/2 head of green cabbage, 4 chopped zucchinis, and several cubes( a lot) of chicken or vegetable bouillons (we used gluten free kind) ... See More

salt and pepper to taste ( we used mineral salt so its healthy)

Then we cooked it on low for like 2 hours then put it in blender and blended ....Its seriously sooo good! and healthy!


So I saw this picture of these awesome Easter eggs. They were dipped in colors then had stickers on them so I figured I could try and recreate something similar. I bought the cheapest dye from target and found some amazing stickers in the scrap book section and then went to town! here is how they turned out!

So I'm a mom

S0 today is my first official entry in my new blog I figure I'll post things about my kid or projects I do such or recipes and diets I try. My only down fall is a I suck at grammar good thing there is spell check. Hopefully I can help a mom out like my self looking for things such has where to host your child's first birthday or what to make for dinner. I think this will be something nice for me to do since I don't have a job and usually I'm pretty bored during the day. I can't wait to get started!